
Easy Peasy Caviar Japaneasy!

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Goatsbridge Trout Caviar features in Food & Wine Magazine

Photo credit: Harry Weir photography as part of a Food & Wine photo shoot with Fiona Uyema.

Imagine my surprise last week as I rolled my 7 year old around the Lidl aisle only to notice this month’s Food and Wine magazine on the shelf displaying sushi featuring golden coloured fish caviar.

My daughter squealed in delight and informed me that our caviar had made the headlines. And sure enough the incredible and talented Fiona Uyema had gathered some of her favourite recipes from the land of cherry blossoms for the magazine.

It never failed to surprise and humbles me when chefs, bloggers and food critics alike give us a mention, a recommendation or simple a word of encouragement that helps keep us going in our quest for world domination.

It also seems inadequate and patronising when I thank them at every opportunity, but without them we would be still an unknown entity. Perhaps we can be the best trout brand in the world after all.

Lovely article Fiona and free fish for life!

If you’re looking for trout recipes, take a look at our Pinterest board for some inspiration from bloggers, including Fiona’s Goatsbridge Trout with Teriyaki Sauce Recipe.


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Easy Peasy Caviar Japaneasy! was last modified: July 27th, 2015 by mag